# Custom Options

Bootstrap Studio lets you add custom checkbox and dropdown options to the Options panel of any component on your page for controlling class names and attributes. This is a good way to create reusable components that you can add to your library or share.

You can download the complete example as a bsdesign file.

Download Example

# Custom Options Editor

To add custom options to a component, right click it and choose Add Custom Options from the menu. This will open the Custom Options editor:

Custom Options Panel

Here you can create two types of options:

  • Toggle - presents a toggle-able switch in the component options. When enabled, a class name or attribute will be added to the element, otherwise it will be removed.
  • Dropdown - presents a list of possible options as a dropdown. By selecting one of the options, the chosen class name or attribute will be added to the element.

Once you've added custom options, the component will be marked with an icon Custom Options Icon, so you can easily spot it in the Overview panel.

# Toggles

To add a new toggle option, click Add Toggle in the Custom Options Editor.

Toggle Option

You can customize the following properties:

  • Name - the label that will be shown in the Options panel for this option (defaults to the class/attribute name)
  • Tooltip - a tooltip that will be shown after the label
  • Action - choose whether the option should add a class name or an attribute to the element when it is active
  • Class Name - the class name that will be added to the element
  • Attribute Name - the name of the attribute that will be added to the element
  • Attribute Value - the value of the attribute that will be added to the element

To add a new dropdown option click Add Dropdown in the Custom Options Editor.

Dropdown Option

You can customize the following properties:

  • Name - the label that will be shown in the Options panel for this option
  • Tooltip - a tooltip that will be shown after the label
  • Action - choose whether the option should add a class name or an attribute to the element when it is active
  • Attribute Name - the name of the attribute that will be added to the element (if the Action is "Add Attribute")
  • Removable - this will add an option "None" to the dropdown, which removes the class names/attribute set by this option
  • Options - the options that will be shown in the dropdown
    • Label - the name that users will see in the dropdown
    • Class Name/Attribute Value - the class name/attribute value that will be added to the element


If a dropdown option doesn't have a valid class name/attribute value, it will not be shown in the dropdown.

# Editing Custom Options

When a component has custom options you can easily edit its options through the Custom Options Editor. Just right click the component and click Edit Custom Options.

# Tips

  • Copying and Pasting custom options - you can easily copy a component's custom options to another component by right-clicking it and selecting Copy & Paste > Copy Custom Options. This is a great way to transfer a configured set of options to other components quickly.
  • Add to Library - you can add the component to your library as a user component and the options will be saved alongside it and be available when you drop it in a new design in the future. You can even share the component online.