Change bootstrap studio font size / colors

How do I change the theme of bootstrap studio itself. I can't read the small font or the colors very well.

If you look at the top of your menu then you will see a themes option and you can change to some ore installed themes.

If that doesn't work then I would suggest increaseing the font size using custom css

Failing that if the issue your have is with seeing the editor window then you can just use zoom feature which is on the top left hand corner of editor previe pane

I believe he's talking about the app, rather than the preview. There aren't any BSS themes for changing the app itself realview, you'll need to adjust your computer's resolution for that. You could post a suggestion in the ideas forum though and request the ability to change that. Not sure if they will be doing that, but it can't hurt to ask.

Ok re read your post and you can't directly edit the app itself. Only devs can do that but I suspect the text sizes are the way they are to fit all options in

An application options page with settings for font face and size would be great.

any way to change the font family of the HTML editor. I believe the css and HTML editors are in different fonts, i rather the one the CSS editor is using.

system: bs: 2.7.0