A Bootstrap Help Forum

In case it may be of interest to anyone here. I am a Bootstrap programmer and noticed that there were not really many places for us to go when help is needed. So I started a Bootstrap Help Forum. It is brand new, but members will grow quickly.


My intent here is not to spam, but to share a needed resource.

Are you aware of this http://www.twitterbootstrap.net/forum/

Great idea, thanks for sharing it with us :)

Hi Printninja, Yes, in fact it was the only other Bootstrap forum I could find. But I could not register there! I tried three or four times with different browsers and could not finish registering because I kept getting the message that the captcha (or some security code I needed to enter) image was not entered correctly. The problem is that there was no captcha image. Just some text saying captcha image, or something to that affect. So I finally got frustrated and gave up. That is when I decided to create a forum (and make sure it worked). I couldn't find any way to even contact them at twitterbootstrap to tell them their form wasn't working. Very frustrating. :) But thanks anyway!

Thank you Jo! :) :) You're most welcome.