bstudio-sass issue + question


i've try run SASS support on BSS, but I encounter a problem : I'm not able to run bstudio-sass after npm install bstudio-sass -g or npm install bstudio-sass -g --unsafe-perm. Even if I restart cmd prompt (git bash) or my computer (win10). Is there any solution ?

Then my question : does BSS only allow to export SASS as .compiled.css file ? Is there a solution to avoid this and only get the SCSS file we create ?

Thanks in advance.

I forget to say that I'm using nvm and Node v8.9.3.

i encouter the same issue. impossible to compile a file On mac osX 10.11 node 8.8 the path is correctly configured in the settings.

As of today, when I try to enter my path into the SASS box, it will not add. I click save and it disappears!

MacOS Mojave 10.14.2